Friday, March 28, 2008


My 11 year old girl went to her first social last night, and Yes! they have it on a school night!  It lasted from 7.30 to 10 pm.  The social was held at an all boys school which invited 2 all girls school to attend at $5 per head.  It is only restricted to Years 7 and 8 students so ages may range from 10 years to 13 years old.  I was a bit apprehensive to let her go but of course, all her girlfriends are going so she wants to go!  I found out from my colleague who has a girl going to the same school that it is well supervised so I have nothing to worry about!  My reluctance was also that 11 years is too early an age to socialise with boys!

So last night I sent her and her good friend (whose parents were too busy to send her at the stated times) before 7.30pm.  All girls are told that they are not allowed to wear pants or too short skirts!  They were really excited to go and I dropped them off at the boys school.  At about 9.40pm, I went to pick them up.  I went past 2 older boys seated on guard on two chairs at the entrance.  I found out later that they were on duty preventing the younger ones from leaving the building!  Actually both my girl and her friend complained endlessly all the way home about how they were not allowed out of the stuffy hall to get some fresh air.

On the way home, it was quite amusing when my girl told me the fierce look she gave the boys so no one dared to approach her while her friend had 3 requests to dance with boys but she said,"No!"  I laughed at them and told them they should have let the poor boys down softly like, "No, thank you."  Then they chatted about whether they would dance with the boys next year!

It finally dawned on me that the girls wanted to go more out of curiosity rather than to meet up boys!  They were also anxious to meet up with their ex-classmates who went on to the other girls' school!  They had practically no interest in the boys at all!  Phew!!  Hope this continues for a few more years...........

Well, this is the New Zealand way of life for the young school children, socials, that is, but usually well chaperoned by parents and teachers, too!

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