I was supervising one of my classes during their internal assessment when one boy put his hand up. I walked to him to see what he wanted and he pointed to a table and one of the columns with the title "Calorie intake" and asked me what the word 'calorie' meant. I tried my best to explain to him but at the same time wondered what he had been taught in his Physical Education and Health classes. Then he went on and asked me what the word 'urban population' meant and I told him (wondering what he had learnt in Social Studies). Finally, before I could walk away, he asked me again and pointed to a column 'literacy rate' and asked me what it meant! This time I was wondering he really needs help and told him it meant read and write! He goes," Ohhh.. "and some of his classmates around him burst into laughter!" I was really not sure if he was trying to entertain his classmates in an assessment or he really did not know at all!!! We are talking about a boy around 15 - 16 years old here......
It just goes to prove that what teachers always say is true, i.e., 'One ear in and one ear out!'
It is always so gratifying when a student you have taught from the previous year or years who comes to you and said,'Oh yes! I remember you taught us that last year!'
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