Every year I come across students who cheat in tests or exams. I always have to supervise them with two eagle's eyes, not one! And still some manage to slip pass me! I usually found them out when I marked their papers. Students who copy others always copies everything including every incorrect working and answers! If you do not catch them red handed, it is sometimes up to you to prove to senior management that you think a student copied in the test or exam. Most times, it is not worth the time and effort so some smart alec student got lucky! But sooner or later it will come back to bite them!
Why do they cheat?!
Desperate to pass? Too lazy to study? The most recent excuse - no retention! I think it all starts with copying answers from friends or from the back of the textbook! All these unwise actions normally lead to failure in tests and exams! I always tell my students that if they copy the answers, they are only cheating on themselves and not me! They are the ones sitting for the exams, not me! They are supposed to ask if they do not know how to do the questions and not just take the easy way out and copy answers!
I think that if students cheat in schools and do not get penalised they will go on to their adult lives thinking it is okay to cheat. They will probably be the ones who copies others' ideas and gets sued, etc.... I know it sounds harsh but that is how life is! Once you do something wrong and you get away with it, you will always be tempted to do it again until you get caught!
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