Friday, February 22, 2008

Teenagers! What are they thinking?!!!

Every teacher you ask in New Zealand will agree with you that the fourth form boys or Year 10 boys are the most challenging customers we have every year.  Somehow that is about the time where their hormones goes beyond control for the majority of the 13 to 14 year old boys.

About a week ago I had to managed a boy (we do not use discipline in NZ anymore) so I had to get in touch with home on his behaviour.  Apparently he was given a conversation about how he will end up in jail some day if he does not follow rules and instructions.  This 13 year old boy could not for the life of him see where the connection was with his disruptive behaviour in my class!  And here it is his family thought that they have impressed upon him the seriousness of his bad behaviour and that he will be better after that heart to heart talk!  I only hear a little from the boy's view but was not privy to the whole conversation although I was assured that he was given the 'talk' and he should be better behaved now!  NOT!  He was just too immature to put 2 and 2 together to make 4!  Somehow I think he only got about 2.5......  What was he thinking?  What is on Utube, I guess.....

Oh well... I guess I just have to soldier on and hope I win some battles even though I know I will never win the war!  We always remind each other that when all else fails, pray for the poor soul!


Sultana said...

Hi kiwilaksa, thanks for dropping by my blog. That sure is a long time ago since you last visit Hungary.How did you like Hungary that time?

Kiwi Laksa said...

Hi Syari,
It really felt very conservative and I guess going around with my penpal, I was a curiosity to the locals, I guess...I mean a lot of the locals would stare at me so I just smile back! I still remember we ate at a cafe and it was a dish very similar to our chicken rice!But I found the city very clean and not crowded then.