My daughter is a competitive figure skater and the ice rink is like a second home to me! Most parents of skaters will chat and compare notes.
And I found out an interesting possible fact that I thought I'll share with my readers. If you are dating a competitive sportsperson and not one yourself, then read on.....
A couple of the teen senior skaters were having trouble with their partners demanding that they do not hug a member of the opposite sex or to skate with them as a dancing or pair partner. Their partners actually gave them the ultimatum that it is either me or them!
Guess what?! They got dumped! Just think! If they have dedicated more than half their lives to their sports, they will always choose their sport! Hugging after a bad or good competition is automatic and considered as part of emotional support for your friend. It is a given!
It is always hard if you put your partner in a position to choose between you or their sport. Of course, they will choose their sport. So be more patient and understanding and do not demand them to give up on things they have been doing for years for you. The chances of this happening is slim to nil. You may end up single again!
Good posting and nice photo, Kiwi.
thank you.
have a good weekend
Thanks! Appreciate your comment. Good to hear from my viewers, too. The photo is my daughter, Jo-Ann taken over 2 years ago.
Hey Janet,
How are things with you. Jo-Ann has grown into a pretty young lady that I can see. I remember her as the adorable cute 'lil chatty one. Is she still as chatty. Send my love to her...
Hi Nora,
Yes, she is almost a teenager now and thinks she is! She is still outgoing and opinionated as before! Thinks I am her slave, too! Oh well.....
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