I was never really exposed or aware of the high rate of teenage deaths unlike I started teaching in New Zealand. Almost every year since I have been teaching, there was a death amongst one of my former students and 4 out of 5 times, it will be suicide.
Teenagers here take their own lives for reasons known or unknown but when you look at the known reasons, they seem to be so miniscule for the young people to take their own lives. Here in NZ, there are lots of counselors available and most of them are free to the youths. One year the police were even looking out for a so called 'death pact' going around when one teenager took her life and everyone watched closely all her friends who were at her funeral.
Most of the teenagers are usually what experts labelled as high risk in that they usually would be your disruptive kids in class or the rebellious type that do not fit into your normal average school environment.
I have always wondered if the way that children are raised today (with velvet gloves and very pc oriented!) are making them too soft and thus not able to handle everyday problems and taking the easy way out when they are faced with any issues they think they cannot solve!